Here are five things you won't want to miss at (NEXT WEEK'S) Innovate Conference:
  1. Customized Schedule | Choose-your-own-adventure style, except all of this book's endings are good.
  2. The Digital Age Concert | If you liked The David Crowder Band, you'll love The Digital Age. Your registration includes a free ticket to the concert. (Side note: If you're in the area and can't come to the conference, you can still buy tickets to the concert.)
  3. Networking Opportunities Galore | Look at the schedule. There are no less than four built-in networking breaks right in there! Add in the color-coded team bracelets and the first night's After Party and it's actually going to be difficult to avoid meeting people who work in your area of ministry. Not that you'd want to.
  4. Great Art | Experience a showcase of some of the best art Granger has produced in the last year. We hope it will inspire you and get your creative juices flowing.
  5. All Hands On Deck | If you clean toilets, crunch numbers, create videos or lead massive volunteer teams, someone from Granger who does what you do will be here, either leading an elective, hosting a Fireside Chat or making themselves available for some good old fashioned Q&A.

Don't miss it! Come to learn and interact; go home inspired and ready to innovate in your role, at your church, in your community. Register yourself and your team today. We'll see you next week!