by Mark Waltz, Pastor of Connections and MultiSite

I'm very excited about saying "YES"!

I've had several people ask me in workshops, email and Twitter if I'd consider coaching them - for more than a day or two. 

The answer is "YES"!

Again this fall I'm offering a four-month journey with leaders whose responsibilities are focused on connections, volunteer involvement, group relationships, and spiritual growth. If you are a senior pastor or a pastor/director responsible for adult connections or assimilation ministries - I'm inviting you to apply for this coaching journey.

This fourth network (since 2010) allows a journey different from a single day of training or a couple phone conversations. I love the partnership with churches and their teams who are willing and ready to push against the walls of comfort and convenience to take sacrificial steps to reach people for Christ. In fact, I'll be on the road some this fall doing just that - it's a real privilege! 

But this is different.

  • It will be intensely practical. Highly conversational. Interactive. And limited to 12 leaders.
  • We will study. We'll read. We will learn together. We'll explore your specific questions, issues and church dynamic.
  • We will get specific about cultivating culture, building teams, casting vision and designing environments for connecting, serving and growing.

It won't be terribly convenient (like traveling to northern Indiana). It will be worth it.

Don't think one coach - think 12 coaches. We'll do this together. I'm confident you'll be better from the experience. I'm certain you'll lead your church, your staff and your teams more effectively and serve your people and guests more thoroughly because of this coaching journey.

If you're wondering, here's what some folks have said from previous experiences: 

  • Granger's Connections Coaching Network wasn't exactly what I was expecting - it was so much better!  When you combine Mark Waltz's expertise and the collaboration of professionals from around the country, you have a recipe for fresh ideas, new innovations, and strategic thinking.  Every moment of every session delivers the "Wow!" experience.  If you want to take your ministry to the next level, this is the place to start! -- Danny Franks, Summit Church, Durham, NC
  • I’m in a great frame of mind about life and ministry. This has been a very good experience for me and there are measurable results already from things learned, discussed and read.– David Hinkle, Fellowship Bible Church, Topeka, KS
  • I’m afraid my words do not adequately express how thankful I am to have had this opportunity!! Thank you! The Connections Strategy Coaching Network is a great experience!  I would highly recommend it to anyone in a “Connections Ministry” role – in any size church, with any size staff. I have gained much wisdom from Mark Waltz, both from his expertise with “Connections” ministries, but also as a leader of leaders. I’ve learned so much from him through the ongoing Coaching model – so much more than I ever could from a short-term seminar. – Tina Watterson, Greenville Free Methodist Church, Greenville, IL

I've loved the new friendships and quick formation of "team across miles" in the former networks I've been privileged to lead. I'm praying God forms an incredible coaching network that will surprise all of us before the end of this year! Perhaps you'll be part of this next group. 

Get more information here. Apply here. Check out other coaching networks for your team here.