by Kem Meyer, Communications Director

I can’t do it alone and there are times in my life when I need a good coach. I’ve talked about it before. The benefits of an ongoing professional alliance with one person (or a small team) creates unique benefits I can’t get in other learning environments—it’s a challenging, rewarding, provoking, empowering and highly-personalized experience.

Because of coaching networks in various seasons of my journey, I’ve been able to:

  • gain clarity & focus my efforts
  • sharpen my self-awareness & accelerate my personal growth
  • improve my personal effectiveness to positively impact lives around me

Anyone who knew me before and after every coaching season saw the long-term gains of the short season of investment. Not only am I thankful for those opportunities, I’m an advocate for others to find them. I’ve been able to lead several seasons of Communications Coaching over the past couple of years and have always said I’ll make room for more as long as there is a demand. Even with tight budgets and tight schedules, people are still reaching out. So, I’m kicking off a new network starting this spring.

  • Who: It’s for anyone who leads, influences or supports local church communications before, around and after the weekend message. While a coaching network isn’t for everyone, it’s a highly unique and rewarding experience for anyone who is a part of it. Several seasons of coaching networks has produced a diverse alumni list. See for yourself.
  • What: We’ll tackle the challenge of clearly communicating everything happening across departments and campuses without competing against each other and shutting audiences down in the process.
  • Why: Maybe you (or someone you know) is in a season or crossroads and needs customized, focused, up close and personal attention in a safe forum where you can be blunt about the challenges you face and get frank, encouraging insight in return.
  • When: This document holds the rest of the details you might be looking for (including dates, costs, alumni reviews, etc.).
  • How: If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, complete the application by March 7. By design, it’s limited to only 12 participants

I’m looking forward to seeing who shapes this season.

Tip: We’re hosting coaching networks for Executive Pastors and Guest Services at the same time to make it easier for teams to leverage the time and travel investment. That’s how we roll and we thought you might, too. We're also hosting coaching for EnterMission in 2013. See their schedule and info here.