• G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) Audio Bundle

G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) Audio Bundle

Michael Jordan. Or LeBron James? The debate about who’s the greatest will always rage on. We usually associate greatness with someone’s position, status or wealth, but Jesus’ way of living turns all of that upside down. What if greatness isn’t found in popularity or prestige? What if true greatness comes from loving deeply and serving passionately? Join us for five weeks as we look at how Jesus is undeniably the Greatest Of All Time. grangerchurch.com/goat

Messages include:

  • Week 1: The Greatest Love with Bob Laurent
  • Week 2: The Greatest Leader with Mark Beeson
  • Week 3: The Greatest Storyteller with Mark Beeson
  • Week 4: The Greatest Friend with Angela Bryant
  • Week 5: The Greatest Revolutionary with Ted Bryant